Older man doing box jumps

Longevity Program

Monday / Wednesday / Friday 10:30 – 11:30 AM

Free Intro

Continue to live maximally!

Building balance, strength, and flexibility in a supportive and fun environment

Is this class for me?

Do you want to be able to pick up your grandkids? Put that suitcase into the overhead bin by yourself when flying? Be able to get up off the ground without using your hands for support?

Are you intimidated by the gym or don’t know where to start?

No exercise experience required!

This class is specifically designed for people 50+, no prior exercise experience needed.

This is a structured group class, with our expert coaches walking you through the movements in a safe and supportive environment.

Class design by a Physical Therapist

Programmed by a Doctor of Physical Therapy, the class is focused on improving your balance, flexibility, and strength, all in a go-at-your-own-pace environment and plenty of options for adjusting the day’s movements to fit your needs and skill level.

Get Started with a Free Intro Session

Interested in our Longevity Program? Book a free intro session to experience how Longevity Program training can help you reach your fitness goals. Meet with our trainers, discuss your objectives, and see how CrossFit Santa Barbara can support your fitness journey. Contact us today to schedule your free intro session and start your path to success!

Free Intro
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