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Group Classes

Our CrossFit program consists of varied high-intensity classes that last one hour. Each class will be different, but most tend to include a warm-up, a strength component, and a workout of the day (WOD). Classes are lead by a trainer that holds a minimum of a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Certificate, and is there to guide each individual towards their fitness goals. Classes incorporate a multitude of different training modalities including weightlifting, powerlifting, gymnastics, bodyweight movements, strongman, cardiovascular exercises, and bodybuilding. The skills, abilities, and mentality developed through consistent training in CrossFit not only make our members better athletes, but also make for happier, healthier, and more capable people in general.

Unlimited and three times a week membership options available.

Youth Program

Youth classes focus on maintaining or improving good movement patterns, body awareness, building strength and stamina (all at age appropriate levels, of course), while also building confidence and camaraderie!

Our coach for the 5-8 and 9-12 age groups, Abbie, is a former gymnast, with plenty of energy, enthusiasm, and patience. She is a Brand X Method certified youth coach.

Our teens coach, Jon, is also the Strength and Conditioning Coach at Santa Barbara High School, a CrossFit Level 1 coach, USA Weightlifting Certified Trainer, as well as a Brand X Method certified youth coach. He is excellent at motivating teens, while still prioritizing sound movement patterns and age-appropriate weights.

Click here for more details or to sign up


Do you want to be able to pick up your grandkids? Put that suitcase into the overhead bin by yourself when flying? Be able to get up off the ground without using your hands for support?

Are you intimidated by the gym or don’t know where to start?

Our longevity class is for you! This class is specifically designed for people 50+, no prior exercise experience needed.

This is a structured group class, with our expert coaches walking you through the movements in a safe and supportive environment.

Programmed by a physical therapist, the class is focused on improving your balance, flexibility, and strength - all in a go-at-your-own-pace environment and plenty of options for adjusting the day’s movements to fit your needs and skill level.

Classes run Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10:30-11:30am.

Barbell Club

Barbell Club consists of eight week strength cycles, which focus on improving your olympic lifting technique and building strength.

This program is intended for anyone interested in learning more about Olympic Weightlifting: the snatch and clean & jerk. The focus will be on building motor patterns through deliberate repetition to create sound, efficient, safe, and strong technique - and then improving your strength in these movements. 

Classes are 2x/week on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings.

Programmed and coached by olympic lifting specialists: Sally DeLyser and Jeff Baker

Personal Training

Our expert trainers are also available for one-on-one or small group coaching. Each session is tailored specifically for you and your goals (in both length of session, frequency of sessions, and session programming). If you want to gain strength, improve your gymnastics skills, overall conditioning, or just prefer to have a larger input on your schedule or program - this is the most customizable option that we offer. 

Nutrition Coaching

Work with our wonderful nutrition coach Hannah to optimize your fueling, tailored to your specific goals. Hannah will work with you to make small, sustainable changes so that you can optimize your progress! 

Physical Therapy

In partnership with Foster Fitness and Physical Therapy. Get back to doing what you love faster with one on one care from Dr. Erin Foster.